SE3AN21RS Series
SE3AN21RS Series

Electronic format eurocards for XDC3 SERIE 2 positional transducer valves control.
The electronic cards type SE.3.AN.21.RS…serie 3 have been planned for controlling single and double solenoid proportional valves XDC3….serie 2 equipped with position transducer type LVDT.
The card has a EUROCARD format for being assembled on a connector type DIN 41612 D 32.
The output stage operates on the basis of the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) and is subject to the current feedback so that it is possible to obtain an output solenoid current directly proportional to the input signal. The regulator is supplied with standard calibration for proportional valve control. The card is equipped with a control module type PI which compares the reference signal with the position transducer signal: the eventual error is used to optimize the regulation. It is possible to carry out further regulations by operating on the relative trimmers placed on the frontal panel.